Tuesday, January 31, 2017

I finally did it; I made a blog, but why? Well for starters, I’m doing it for my communications class, but also because I’ve always secretly wanted to have a blog, but never really knew what to write about, so here goes nothing. Naturally, my topic of choice for the blog is love. Any of you reading this who know me on a personal basis, know exactly why I chose to write about love. Love is something I’ve always been passionate about. Since I was a little girl I have DREAMED of finding my one true love. From dressing up as a princess waiting for my prince charming to take me to the ball, to watching proposal videos over and over and crying my eyes out because I was so touched, to Nicholas Sparks movies on blast, I would say I’ve got this love thing on lockdown, but as I’ve grown, I’ve come to find that finding a lasting love is not as simple as they make it look in the Disney movies. You don’t just bump into your Mr. Right one day and have everything go great from there. So I guess the question remaining is, is there one true love? Is there really such thing as a Mr.Right? What do you guys think? Please feel free to comment below and make this a learning experience for everyone!  I don’t know that there is. After interviewing multiple people about their marriages, I came to find that love and marriage are WORK, and really, if you wanted it bad enough, you could probably make it work with more than just one person. A wise man once told me, “It’s all about finding the right person, at the right time, and marrying them in the right place.” You could find a potential “right person” and it may just be the wrong time for things to work out, but good thing there’s more than just one person out there that we could make things work with. The hope of falling in love is never lost, and in most cases, it comes when you least expect it.
My intentions with this blog are to uplift and inspire couples and those seeking love, to not give up. We live in a world where things are so replaceable, but love is one of those things that really just shouldn’t be. Throughout the blog I will be interviewing couples and asking them questions regarding how they met, and how to have a lasting and sustaining relationship/ marriage. If you are currently struggling in your relationship or marriage, which many are, I recommend following this blog and looking for glimmers of hope in the relationships and stories of others. I want to get all you viewers of this blog’s wheels turning. I want you to remember WHY you first fell in love, and take a break from thinking about reasons why you may be falling out of it. Basically, I just want to give you reasons to hang on. If any one is rooting for you to strive with every fiber of your being to make it work, it’s me. When I younger I had the aspiration of becoming a family- marriage therapist. I would make up fake divorce situations and pretend to be the counselor counseling couples and pleading with them to make it work. One day my dad walked in my room after hearing me have a full blown conversation with myself, and asked me what I was doing, and I proceeded to tell him I was playing family marriage therapist. What kind of kid plays that for fun? Haha, I suppose I’ve always had a zeal for this kind of stuff, and learning how to make things work. I would much rather be a fighter than a quitter. Jeffery R Holland once said, “Don’t you give up, don’t you quit, you keep going, you keep trying.” Those words have always empowered me. We’ve all heard the quote, “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” I don’t want you guys to have to be the ones having that realization. Stay tuned next week for glimmer of hope #1- an interview with my parents about their lovely and lasting marriage.